Saturday, May 31, 2014

Police make hundreds of drug arrests at Summer Camp (2013)

Around this time every year we want to remind everyone what can happen to anyone in the wrong place at the wrong time...among other reasons... Now, compare with the articles from this year (2014) for some interesting comparisons... NOTE: I was there and this really was one of the coldest and wettest Camps ever! (more to come)...

Peoria Journal Star
May 2013
By Matt Buedel
CHILLICOTHE — Police seized more than 16 pounds of marijuana and a rainbow of other drugs while making hundreds of drug-related arrests at the Summer Camp Music Festival.
The annual Memorial Day weekend event at Three Sisters Park drew tens of thousands of revelers from around the country for what ended as one of the wettest and coldest festivals since the event’s inception more than a decade ago.
The inclement conditions overall appeared to have resulted in fewer safety-related calls but did not dampen drug activity, law enforcement officials said Wednesday after releasing a preliminary tally of arrests and illegal substance seizures.
“With the weather we were dealing with and everything else, I think everything went as well as can be expected,” said Chillicothe police Chief Scott Mettille. “It seemed like there were less calls and less incidents to respond to out there.”
Still, between patrols by Illinois State Police outside the park grounds and operations on the grounds by officers with the Chillicothe Police Department, Peoria County Sheriff’s Office and Multi-County Narcotics Enforcement Group (MEG), hundreds of arrests were made.
According to figures released by police, patrol efforts resulted in 272 citations for traffic and criminal offenses and two arrests for outstanding warrants. Written warnings totaled 268. Other non-patrol enforcement efforts resulted in 119 drug-related arrests.
“Initially, I thought with the weather we would be less active,” said MEG Director Rene Sandoval. “When you stop and look at the stats, they definitely reflect that we were busy out there. … The place was pretty active.”
While the variety of drugs encountered at the festival is unusual when compared to typical drug seizures in the area, the mixture of drugs such as Ecstasy, LSD, mushrooms and stimulants were as expected.
But the seizure of those substances was only one part of a three-pronged approach law enforcement take at the festival, Sandoval said. Officers are there primarily to provide safety for concert attendees and neighboring Chillicothe residents and help promoters with security efforts, in addition to enforcing state and federal drug laws.
“People who go out there need to take responsibility for their actions,” Sandoval said.
By the numbers
Police on patrol in and around Three Sisters Park for Summer Camp Music Festival over Memorial Day weekend seized a variety of drugs, broken down by substance below.
 Marijuana: 7,547.7 grams
 Ecstasy: 137.7 grams powder and 218 pills
 LSD: 187 hits and three strips
 Methamphetamine: 310.4 grams
 Ketamine: 230.8 grams
 Psilocybin mushrooms: 256.1 grams
 Cocaine: 11.1 grams
 Hashish: 164 grams
 THC: 256.1 grams
 Assorted prescription medicines: 120 pills
 Nitrous oxide: One large tank, two cases of individual units

(originally posted at  

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